Negative Play rate in an Anim Sequence added to a Montage Causes timeline to collapse

OLD - Anim - Jan 14, 2015

Adding animations with a negative play rate (playing backwards) or modifying existing animations in a montage to have a negative play rate causes the timeline in the montage to "squish" and is no lo ...

Can't disable gravity for skeletal meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 11, 2015

When replacing a static mesh with a skeletal mesh for bone animations, it falls to the ground. Even though gravity is disabled on the skeletal mesh. Changing the gravity scale to 0 is a work aroun ...

Setting the Camera Modifier to 'None' crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2015

The PlayerCameraManager will cause the engine to crash if you set the first element to 'none' under the Camera Modifier. ...

Gameplay Debugger Won't Open When Using US International Keyboard Settings

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 23, 2015

Using a keyboard with US International settings prevents the gameplay debugger from being opened when using the apostrophe key. Potentially a similar issue to [Link Removed]. Found in 4.10 binary. ...

Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 19, 2017

Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable that is using Pass By Reference. The crash only seems to occur if the setup was created in the Player Controller class. This was origi ...

Rare crash occurs in CoreAudio in Vehicle Game on Mac when quitting.

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 20, 2017

This is a very rare crash that I encountered in Vehicle Game and so far have not been able to reproduce, however checking the crash history it has been seen before in the wild. This issue may be re ...

Inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 25, 2017

In the Cloth level in Content Examples, there is some inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat. The coat tails appear heavy (they don't trail behind the character's movement), and the straps a ...

Lighting is unbuilt after reloading a level that has a actor with static mesh components

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 31, 2017

For a specific level with a simple BP actor that contains multiple static mesh components, lighting gets unbuilt after reloading the level, even when there is no change in the level. "LogStaticMesh ...

World Position Node Breaks Baked Lighting In Masked Materials

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 16, 2017

Baked shadows don't seem to work properly when Absolute World Position is involved with masked materials. The masked material won't render a shadow at all in this case. ...

Incorrect collision on Instanced Static Mesh components that have been non-uniformly scaled and rotated

OLD - Anim - Feb 22, 2017

Incorrect collision on Instanced Static Mesh components that have been non-uniformly scaled and rotated. User Description: I have been experiencing a very annoying bug and I finally decided to tr ...