Undo rename of Anim Curve in Curves section below viewport causes all curves to disappear

OLD - Anim - Jun 12, 2017

The anim curves in the Curves section below the viewport disappear when undoing the renaming of one. This does not occur in 4.16.2 ...

Undo rename of Anim Curve in Anim Curves tab duplicates that curve

OLD - Anim - Jun 12, 2017

Undoing the renaming of an Anim Curve in the Anim Curve tab causes the curve to be duplicated. Not a regression from 4.16.2. ...

Character Mesh Position Offset in Online Sessions

UE - Networking - Jun 12, 2017

If a client joins a session while the host is moving their character, the character's mesh will become offset on the client. Example Video: [Link Removed] Found in 4.16.1 and reproduced in 4.17 M ...

Widget interaction debug line only shows when hitting a widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 9, 2017

Widget interaction debug line only shows when hitting a widget. If the widget interaction component does not touch a widget component, it will not be visible at all. ...

Invalid API documentation file

Docs - Jun 9, 2017

The API.chm file is invalid. Additionally the website API docs are out of date. This is tied to a larger issue with the APIDocTool. ...

Run command fails launching onto iOS from Mac with Error_DeviceOSNewerThanSDK on Xcode 8.3.3

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 9, 2017

Xcode version is 8.3.3 and device OS version is 10.3.2Error Launch failed! Failed to launch on device. Make sure your install of Xcode matches or is newer than the OS on your device. Tested on i ...

Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node does not compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 9, 2017

It looks like the Switch On Gameplay Tag Container node stopped working in 4.15. The Switch On Gameplay Tag works fine. ...

Disabling/Enabling Nav Link Proxies Causes UNavigationSystem::TestPathSync() to Always Return True

UE - AI - Jun 9, 2017

When using ANavLinkProxy::SetSmartLinkEnabled() to toggle a Smart Link, it will cause UNavigationTestPathSync() to always return true. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::BuildTreeIfOutdated

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 8, 2017

This is a common crash occurring in the 4.16 release. It seems to be related to applying a material to a mesh that is being used in Foliage. Crash Reports are spread out among many different Crash ...

Allow Window Resize has no effect on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Jun 8, 2017

Checking the option for Allow Window Resize in Project Settings allows a the borders of a standalone window to be grabbed and used to resize the window. This does not behave the same on Linux and t ...