Expectation: Tangent should work on Hair Material ...
Texture format override to BGRA8 due to changes in CL-30603716. The following code can restore the previous behavior. void FShadowMapPendingTexture::StartEncoding(ULevel* LightingScenario, ITexture ...
When a Material Instance is loaded that has a nullptr layer in StaticParametrs.Materiallayers. The Material Instance will create it's own CachedExpressionData but the ConnectedParameterMask will be ...
When loading a non-world partitioned level into a persistent world partitioned level, parent actors with child actor components within the loaded map will move position or become invisible. Within t ...
Context UE_VLOG macros can be used to capture debug shapes into both a Visual Logger recording and a Rewind Debugger recording. Problem In the Rewind Debugger, the capsule shapes are drawn at an in ...
This is an edge case occurring when changing Input Mode while the Scroll Box is being dragged. When the Input Mode switches to Game Only, further drag actions are no longer possible. However, becaus ...