Result: In UMG_TileViewItem, EventOnListItemObjectSet function Trigger once Expected Results: EventOnListItemObjectSet function Trigger twice ...
Both the Asset Registry and Asset Manager look for all subclasses of UBlueprintCore and use that to search for blueprint classes and construct an inheritance hierarchy. This always works in editor b ...
If multiplying a mesh with ComplexCollision by inverse scale, the geometry may not be created on the mesh. This may depend on the assets of the mesh. In the sample example, the navmesh is not create ...
In the following section, AnimationStreamingManager incorrectly adds in Audio's LLMTag. void FAnimationStreamingManager::UpdateResourceStreaming(float DeltaTime, bool bProcessEverything /*= fals ...
Selecting another level while the level is hidden cause the level moves to incorrect position. it occurs only when using world origin shift in world setting. ...
See the UDN question (duplicated below). I think we need to better manage the lifetime of the event we use for synchronization here. We are experiencing an issue where when FPlatformMisc::Request ...
This issue occurs when merging static meshes that have multiple LODs. If they are using UV1 for lightmap index, after merging, the UV1 of the result for each LODs will all be differents, making the ...
When AnimNotify is set to AnimMontage, these Notify events may be output twice. It can see it if you let another Montage play while the first one is playing. If you stop the first Montage, it will a ...