A child actor rotates incorrectly if the parent has negative scaling on one axis and more than 1.0 scaling on another. The child/parent relationship was created through the World Outliner. Licensee ...
When unchecking the Occlusion culling option in the project settings, if you place over 1.5k foliage meshes in the world, they stop rendering, the meshes are still present in the level and can be se ...
In response, the licensee asks the following questions.Are there any plans for improvement?Is there a workaround? ...
Just a typo that needs to be fixed. ...
When using the foliage tool, once the mesh count reaches around 1.5k and higher you will be unable to select individual meshes by using the mouse. The lasso tool and the select all tool work as inte ...
Add Point node used with an InputKey of 0 or 1 will crash the editor on bp compile User Description: Unreal version 4.14 crashes every time that you use spline component and try to add the point 0 ...
When the material order of embedded fbx LOD change differently in LOD 0 and LOD 1, the LOD 1 is wrongly assign when re-importing. ...
The User has provided an extensive log of their code base setup, and the process leading up to when the Assert occurs. "Our game mode & player state FSM are setup in a data driven manor using UDa ...
Frame rate issues using Fixed Frame Rate and Matinee. This could be similar to some issues involving "Force Fixed Frame Rate". ...
Actor references in Level Blueprint show an incorrect display name on their nodes after converting the project from 4.6.1 to 4.7 Preview or 4.8. Reproduced in 4.7.1 Preview 4 and in Main (Promotabl ...