Game sounds can no longer be heard after unplugging and re-plugging back in a USB headset during a match. This also occurs when plugging a USB headset anytime during the course of the match. ...
Notice that the saved FilePath is not relative, but contains the full path on the hard drive. When clicking into the FilePath property and then clicking somewhere else to lose focus on it, it will a ...
Some faces from the UV0 for the texture UV are not used when repacking for the auto-generated Lightmap UV even if the faces are split and visible in the UV0. Attached example mesh. ...
Decals are no longer rendering correctly with PixelNormalWS plugged into the Emissive or Base Color input. ...
Adding a HISM as a component within blueprints and referencing a Static Mesh with LODs, creates extra/additional and material elements. ...
When making any alteration to an array within a UDS the drop-down menu for the array collapses. Regression: Yes Works: 2689999 Broken: 2693272 ...
Attempting to open a map through the content browser will crash the editor if that map is opened as a sublevel or the currently opened map through the world composition browser. Frequency: 2/2 Cr ...
If an add component node is duplicated after the transform pin has been split, it will create an additional transform pin and keep the original split variables. ...
Trying to create/open projects in the current github master branch will quietly fail at 94% with no crash error or logs.UE4Editor-Core.dll!rml::internal::Block::findObjectSize() UE4Editor-Core.dll! ...
In the Animation Starter Pack, if you hold down W+A simultaneosly to move Forward/Left OR S+D to move Backward/Right, the character does not face the proper direction and will appear to "slide" acro ...