Crash closing animation blueprint after compile

OLD - Anim - Apr 11, 2017

Crash occurs when the user closes an animation blueprint after compiling it. This does not occur in Main. ...

Fbx Importer crash if answering no to the incompatible skeleton dialog

Tools - Apr 11, 2017

Quote from the licensee (FbxSkeletalMeshImport.cpp inside "// merge bones to the selected skeleton"): this happens because in UnFbx::FFbxImporter::SetupAnimationDataFromMesh, the function FindFBXMe ...

Map variable of split struct only has access to key value

UE - Gameplay - Apr 11, 2017

Map variable of split struct only has access to key value. User expects for the entire 'Map variable' to be accessible just like when a 'Break Struct node' is used ...

Failed check() when placing large numbers in to a From Seconds node and print them to the screen

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 10, 2017

Crash when placing a number >= 922337181697 in to a From Seconds node and print them to the screen ...

Configure for Gear VR sets device install to internal only, needs to be auto per gear vr specifications.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 10, 2017

This was reported by support and verified in Main. This is blocking users from shipping Gear VR store projects going forward. ...

Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2017

Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component Licensee description: We often use spline mesh blueprints to generate organic art for us, like roots, trees, and r ...

Linux editor windows are completely black

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 10, 2017

All of the editor windows are completely black on the Linux machine with the exception of the splash screen. This occurs for the Unreal Project Browser, toast windows and game windows. The functio ...

Camera Cut tracks don't work in some packaged code projects

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 10, 2017

Camera Cut tracks don't work in some packaged code projects Regression: YES Working: 3249277 (4.14.3) Broken: 3348071 (4.15.1) Working: 3383544 (4.16 Main) ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FTexturePlatformData::GetNumNonStreamingMips() [texturederiveddata.cpp:1260]

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 10, 2017

Was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: Mips.Num() > 0 [Link Remov ...

Editor crashed on opening level blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Apr 10, 2017

I've been unable to reproduce this issue. Once only occurrence so far. I did some other things inside the level in between these steps like pressing play and copying, rotating, deleting objects in ...