Built Lighting with Tilemap in ViewportSaved Paper2D Project after editing blueprint graph Building lighting with a non-empty Tilemap causes crash. The editor builds fine with an empty Tilemap howeve ...
There is a relatively small number of decal actors which can spawn before all previously spawned decal actors disappear. Also Reproduced in 4.7 Preview 4 and Main Promotable-CL-2412886 ...
Changing the 3D widget's space setting to screen instead of world in split screen causes major graphical errors as seen in the attached project. ...
If the width of the details panel is reduced, the lock icon next to the name of the selected actor will disappear off screen. ...
When you attempt to package a project for shipping with 'For Distribution' enabled, the build will fail for mobile. ...
When building a simple level using BSPs with materials applied after adding several additive and subtractive BSPs and applying materials, certain materials jitter and distort badly when in the viewp ...
Importing a DDS Cubemap with a resolution of 2048 takes approximately 20 mins to import into the engine. It will seemingly freeze the engine for the duration of the import. Also reproduced in Prom ...
This user's project presents an Engine/Transient save error on certain Blueprints. When saving the CharmState Blueprint, this message pops up: Can't save ../../../../../UserProjects/jeffvoight_ciic ...
Changing the Root of a reparented Blueprint crashes the editor with no Crash Reporter dialogue. Log from 4.7.5 attached. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...
When selecting a connection between two bones in Persona, Child bone is selected. ...