Same lightmap textures are listed multiple times in Lightmaps of WorldSettings. It seems that it just showes the same texture mutiple times but there is only one texture. [Image Removed] ...
In pasts unreal engine versions like 5.2 or 5.3, when you loaded a project with UnrealFrontend, the uproject was saved inside the Engine.ini file. In version 5.4 it does not get saved and you need t ...
A player cannot move heavier GC objects even if we have a valid setup due to the GC not reporting the correct mass. ...
When maps with Color Correct Regions are streamed into another map have their visibility toggled during runtime, it will cause a memory access violation and crash the editor. ...
Editor performance plummets when moving BSP brushes in a level with several other BSP brushes present. Navmesh regeneration is the main cause as the full bounds for all BSP are used to determine whi ...
This has been around since public launch. The rotation widgets emissive material will cause trouble with the post processing and reflections in the scene. Especially troublesome if you with bloom an ...
When trying to override the CanJump function of a character blueprint, the function does not show up in the MyBlueprint panel's function section. Hovering over the Function bar shows the "Override" ...
When creating a new project from the vault, for example: Content Examples, each time it tries to save on the C:\My Documents\Unreal Projects instead of D:\Unreal Projects, even though that folder is ...
Attempting to derive from or include TableViewBase in another class causes compile errors with no additional code added. ...