The editor is crashing in the attached project on PIE when World Origin Rebasing is enabled. According to the user, this did not occur in 4.13, but I was unable to test any further back than 4.15, a ...
When cooking QAGame (QA-Blueprints map) an assert is triggered during the cook step. So far I have reproduced this for: Win64 and PS4. ...
The thumbnails in the reference viewer are broken and do not reflect the thumbnails in the content browser. This is a Regression from 4.14.3 Spoke with BenZ about his change to the Asset Registry, ...
Focus not updating correctly when using the setting Smooth Focus Changes. ...
The licensee is receiving an ambiguous search warning after recompiling the blueprint of an object involved in a level sequence that is contained in a hidden sublevel (which is then loaded and made ...
This bug report was entered as new crash groups appeared linking to [Link Removed] which was marked as fixed for 4.15.1 and the previous reproduction did not reproduce the issue Error message: Ass ...
The editor crashes if two saves happen in rapid succession, for example, if you use Ctrl + S then immediately use Ctrl + Shift + S. This issue can be somewhat difficult to get the crash from as the ...
When using MS-IME as Japanese input method, scrolling out the text field out side the view causes bIsComposing to be set false - this state causes instability of the editor. Crash happened with Win ...
Several unnecessary files seem to have found their way into the Perforce depot and need to be cleaned up. Affected files:Engine/Documentation/Source/Engine/Matinee/HowTo/MHT_3/Images/MHT#_Drag_In_C ...
REGRESSION: No, this also occurs in 4.15. In the montage editor, the gree montage section bars render behind the black lines of the timeline, making them hard to see. ...