Any modifications made to inherited components in a child blueprint revert to their parent's defaults when playing in packaged game and Launch on. User reported that he also saw it when launching i ...
Hang after copying a BP node, right clicking in BP graph, then pasting with Ctrl+V. ...
Crash while switching between tabs in the main tab bar. It's possible this occurs when one of the tabs is being dragged due to the mouse/trackpad still holding the tab after being released. Crash R ...
When using an Event Generator in a particle emitter that passes velocity for other emitters to inherit, only CPU emitters take on the velocity, and not the GPU emitters. In the test case/project I ...
!!! Changes between version 4.12 and 4.13 for importing these !!! 4.12 There is a crash when importing any t3d (legacy) file through File > Import Into Level using the t3d file option. 4.13 The ...
If the End hotkey is pressed to move a mesh down to align on top of another mesh/landscape and a camera blocking volume is below it, the trace down will register a hit on the camera blocking volume ...
When opening a material in the material editor, there is a chance that the material editor will open and become a tab on the main editor window even if a material was already opened and detached fro ...
A packaged game that is ran with -fullscreen shifts position when entered windowed mode. I am not seeing this issue when running an unpackaged project with -game -fullscreen. I am also not seeing t ...
The 'Convert Actor' option in the details tab of brushes does not function. The option is grayed out and not selectable. Note for Core: This button works by looking for the ConversionRoot UCLASS m ...
BSP brushes only move in relative space instead of world space if the user has selected vertices from more than one bsp brush. User cannot change translation to worldspace instead of local space. ...