Atmospheric Fog is still being rendered within Render Targets using the 'Hidden Actors' option within a SceneCapture2D actor/component. The show flags for the actor work for Atmospheric fog and oth ...
Spline components cannot be set to static/movable in blueprints. ...
The tooltip for Static/Movable/Stationary lighting in the details pane of the main viewport show odd symbols before additional information points. See attached image. ...
When opening and closing blueprints within the editor, the memory continues to go up and doesn't seem to release the memory once the blueprint editor is closed. ...
Editor Performance drops when removing frames from animations with curve keys Regression: No, removing frames on animations with curves had a chance to crash the editor in 4.11, which doesn't happ ...
If a custom class named Vehicle is used as the base of a blueprint, closing and reopening the editor prevents the blueprint from being opened. The editor reports that the derived class is invalid. ...
After creating a plugin in using the New Plugin button in the editor the project will fail to compile. ...
When setting up a BP via the scene with the new method of adding components and converting to a BP the child component that is set to simulate physics enabled will be offset from its original positi ...
Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 7 8 DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(TEXT("AnimSeq EvalCurveData"), STAT_AnimSeq_EvalCurv ...
The Move Directly Toward task does not seem to be working without a Nav Mesh in the level. Based on the tooltip "moves directly to the target without regard to any navigation system", it is expected ...