Crash when saving a Data Table that is referencing itself in a Data Table Row Handle

Tools - Feb 23, 2017

Crash when saving a Data Table that is referencing itself in a Data Table Row Handle. Reopening the project also causes a crash. *Regression: Yes This was fixed and working in 4.13-3037605 This i ...

Cannot convert procedural mesh to static mesh with only 3 verticies

OLD - Anim - Feb 23, 2017

It is not possible to use the Create StaticMesh button to create a Static Mesh from a Procedural Mesh with only 3 verts. The following if check is the reason:if (RawMesh.VertexPositions.Num() > 3 && ...

Some components duplicated by Sequence Recorder

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 23, 2017

Some components duplicated by Sequence Recorder Regression: YES Worked: 3249277 (4.14.3) Broken: 3299760 (4.15.0) ...

FAssetRegistry::SaveRegistryData fails check on redirected umaps

Tools - Feb 22, 2017

When FAssetRegistry::SaveRegistryData() is invoked for a umap redirector it will fail the check check(!bIsMap || (InDependencyType == EAssetRegistryDependencyType::Soft)); Because the redirector ...

Crash due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 22, 2017

This JIRA has been made to consolidate all "D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')" crashes into one. Previous Jira tickets include:[Link Removed][Link Removed][Link Removed][Link Remo ...

The number of elements in an array remain the same as the default when duplicating an actor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 22, 2017

If a user removes elements from an array in an instance of that blueprint in the level and then duplicates the actor (in the level ) containing the array, then the resulting actor will have the orig ...

Importing skeletal mesh with LODs and uniform scaling results in multiplicative scale per additional LOD

Tools - Feb 22, 2017

Here's a quick chart showing the current multiplicative pyramid style scaling that's occurring.Import ScalingLOD0LOD1LOD2LOD32.0248160. ...

Crash when using Crtl+Z after wrapping and selecting padding field

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 22, 2017

Editor crashes when clicking in to a padding field after wrapping a widget and then trying to undo the change. ...

Potential major HLOD dynamic shadow performance issues

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 22, 2017

See . Potential major performance issues with HLOD and dynamic shadowing incorrectly drawing sub meshes. Also missing sh ...

Enum Element Names Reset on Project Upgrade

UE - Gameplay - Feb 22, 2017

Upgrading a copy of a project from 4.14 to 4.15 appears to be resetting the names of enum elements on switch on enum nodes. Opening the enum, saving it, and then restarting the project seems to res ...