2D Blendspace breaks when aligning samples in a straight line Regression: YES Worked: 3249277 (4.14.3) Broken: 3299760 (4.15.0) ...
Using the first person template to build/compile/package a dedicated server causes the server to assert shortly after launch. This assert does not occur when building a dedicated server from a thir ...
Re-importing a static mesh results in all currently applied sockets being removed from the static mesh in the Editor. Workaround: Setting the sockets up in the Native 3D editing software followin ...
PxShapes are created with a ref count of 1, and it is up to the caller to decrement this once the shape has been attached to an actor. There are a handful of places in the code in which this doesn' ...
When upgrading a project that was prior to the material slot implementation to a newer engine version will cause redundant material slots to be created. This requires the mesh to have LODs and multi ...
When opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component, "LogSpawn:Warning: UWorld::DestroyActor: World has no context!" warning will be displayed for each actor. ...
Packaging will fail if a Blueprint is set to be nativized, and it includes a TArray inherited from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >. REGRESSION: Unknown. Blueprint nativ ...
Regression: YES, sort of. The ability to change the animation from a dropdown didn't exist in 4.14 Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 160] Ran out of memory allocating 51539607528 ...
Text block Outline cropped out at large sizes. This affects Grid Panels and was additionally tested with Horizontal boxes with the same result Regression: This issue does not occur in 4.14.3 Binary ...
Inputting 'Stereo Off' while the prox sensor is uncovered will disable stereo rendering but introduces large performance decrease. Stat FPS returns constant 10 FPS / 100 ms. Found on: //UE4/Release ...