The motion controller hands are broken in the Colab Viewer template when connecting as a VR client. ...
When enabling "Run Construction Script in Sequencer" on a Blueprint Child Actor and having "Rerun Construction Scripts" turned on in Sequencer, the Child BP's properties become inaccessible in Seque ...
The level blueprint has a macro that references a level. FBlueprintNodeTemplateCache keeps holding this cashe at transition level. Unable to find source-code formatter for language: text. Available ...
This issue occurs when the section and material slot order do not match In this sample project:[Link Removed] According to a report from the licensee, the order of Sections seems incorrect.[Link R ...
In a Level Streaming setup, unloading a level that has spawned an AI Character with a Detour AI Controller causes a crash. This was reported and tested in 4.23 (CL-8386587). This was reproduced in ...
Users have requested that light depth and light position are made available to Light Function Materials.Light Depth We seem to be calculating the per-pixel distance from the light to the surface in ...
Within the Blueprint Editor, it is possible to create subcategories for variables to be sorted into. Doing so separates variables not nested into subcategories out into standalone, top-level structu ...
Changing the default values inside of a camera modifier blueprint when referencing it in another blueprint results in a crash. Tested in 4.21, 4.22, 4.23 and 4.24 ...
This seems to be because the OrbitZoom of ThumbnailInfo is rewritten by ResetCamera () when the viewport is opened. Is this correct processing? ...
Math expressions fail to compile when performing an Undo after opening a blueprint ICE - wrong output link - ((1 + x) * (sin(myVar))) - (2.400000 / (rand())) ...