Deleting Texture 2D asset generated after saving a level in a project with Generate Mesh Distance Fields deleted .umap file

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 16, 2015

If "Generate Mesh Distance Fields" is active within the project settings of a project, the .umap of a level will be deleted if a landscape is created and the level is saved, then the 2D texture that ...

Edge Screen Artifacts when calling Widget Blueprints to the Viewport and toggling Fullscreen Mode

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 6, 2016

Widgets called to the Viewport with Fullscreen enabled, will eventually cause artifacts to appear on the edges/borders of the screen. There is currently a forums post with multiple users reporting ...

Bloom not Working on Samsung Galaxy S5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 12, 2016

As the title suggests, bloom on the Samsung Galaxy S5 is not working. I tested this against another android device, the Acer Iconia Tab 8, which also supports Full HDR w/Sun according to the docum ...

Exporting an Uncompressed AVI Movie from Matinee creates Incorrect Alpha Channel

Tools - Nov 23, 2015

When creating an uncompressed AVI movie from Matinee, the final video is darker than what is previewed in the editor. I was able to narrow it down to the compression as the cause of the issue. The ...

Reducing Resolution Scale affects Selection Accuracy in Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 17, 2015

When reducing the Resolution Scale the selection accuracy is reduced greatly, and makes it difficult to click and move objects in the viewport when PIE or Simulating. ...

Montage keyframes calculation error

OLD - Anim - Apr 28, 2016

Animations are not showing proper length when converted to Montage. Up to 98 frames (AFAIK) when converted to Montage, the Montage will show the correct number of keys. However, a 100-frame anima ...

Shadows Replicated to Second Player while in Multiplayer PIE using Single Process

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 27, 2016

When running multiplayer PIE in the Third Person Example project, if player one is shadowed, the second player also becomes shadowed. This almost seems expected as it is being run as a single proce ...

Player input on the Client while Ejected during PIE will show on the Server (Editor) viewport and not on the Client window

Tools - Jul 17, 2015

Player input on the Client while Ejected during PIE will show on the Server (Editor) viewport and not on the Client window. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary, 4.8.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable ...

Memory spikes when changing properties on a large amount of textures via Property Matrix

Tools - Jan 29, 2015

When changing a property on a large number of textures via the Property Matrix, memory usage can spike to over 26G. Tested in Main (Promotable-CL-2423505) Probably related to [Link Removed] ...

"Module 'XMPP' not found" warning in log file of blank packaged project

UE - Networking - Jul 15, 2016

"LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'XMPP' not found" warning in log file of blank packaged project Issue referenced by this JIRA: ...