VCAM 2.0 - No signal on iPad from Mac OSX

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Virtual Camera - Jul 19, 2021

UDN case link with this ticket [Link Removed] ...

MoviePipeline: Incorrect Caching of Min/Max World Delta Time

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 31, 2023

To test this issue: Create a C++ class WolrdTimeDilationDebugActor.h in your Project with the following code:// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pragma once #include "CoreMinim ...

OCIO: orthographic viewport perspectives disable color transform

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Color - Apr 6, 2023

Switching through a non-perspective view disables the OCIO color transformation until perspective is re-selected. (There is also a related Slate-Editor issue where the visible viewport label doesn't ...

ContentBundleContainer does not load new bundles in PIE after level transition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Nov 9, 2023

I believe this issue stems from the ContentBundleContainer not populating the StreamingObjects of the UContentBundleDuplicateForPIEHelper. PIE in the same level as the bundles works as the editor h ...

Chaos Clothing CreateClothActor takes a long time with LODs and Self-Collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 21, 2024

Spawning an actor with Chaos cloth causes a hitch when LODs or Self-Collision are enabled on the cloth. LODs and Self-Collision seem to compound the issue. Self-Collision requires a collision simul ...

[Attenuation][Spatialization] - If speaker output is set to stereo, the Surround 2D Non Spatialized Radius Mode doesn't generate any audio

UE - Audio - Dec 12, 2023

If Surround 2D is set as the Non Spatialized Radius Mode, there is no fallback option if the user's output is not a surround format (eg stereo). There is also nothing communicated in the Tool Tip. ...

PCG Graph callback fails after compiling blueprint

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - Jul 9, 2024

PCG graph callbacks in BP do not appear to get called correctly after the blueprint is compiled. ...

RHIGetAvailableResolutions returns duplicate entries when bIgnoreRefreshRate is false

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Sep 17, 2015

When the RHIGetAvailableResolutions function fills the array that is passed in as the first argument, it will end up filling some slots with duplicate resolutions (including refresh rate) when the b ...

Assigning APX Cloth asset to material element

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 17, 2016

When assigning an imported apx file to the clothing drop down under the material element of this imported Skeletal Mesh will result in a crash. Tested in: 4.11.2 CL-2946394 4.12.3 CL-3013449 Dev ...

Enable Collision checkbox does not affect static meshes from static mesh editor when set to false

Tools - Nov 24, 2015

Setting the Enable Collision checkbox to false in the static mesh editor does not alter collision on static mesh objects. ...