Curl noise force will not affect a Niagara particle regardless of strength. Current work around is to disable then re-enable "apply forces" under "solve forces and velocity" Found in 4.20 CL# 4233 ...
Destructible mesh material creation no longer creates/assigns DM array element with material from mesh. Workaround: Assign material manually after creating Destructible mesh Confirmed in MAIN @ CL ...
When a comment box is added in a Interface blueprint, it cannot be moved or deleted. ...
Materials applied via HUD do not appear to update when collection parameters are changed for the applied material ...
Postprocess GI related settings look like working in 4.22 on Mobile now, but seems buggy, Not sure if it has supposed to be supported on Mobile since it has no any info in Doc or 4.22's release note ...
Blueprint functions aren't showing up in the Profiler Tool. Found in 4.23.0 CL#8386587 Reproduced in 4.24.0 Main CL#8781358 ...
When an instance in a Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh component is rotated using "Update Instance Transform" it doesn't retain it's material's base color value when the material uses PerInstanceRa ...
4.24 platform extension isn't properly pulling the device profile data from the engine. Or at least, it isn't populating it in the Device Profiles editor windows. [Link Removed] There should be a ...
VR template in 4.24 binary engine works but not with blank project + steam guide setup. And, migrated working project from 4.23 also leads to same issue. working set(vr template) seems to have cor ...
Licensee reports via UDN that automated import via Python of SpeedTree assets does not work The issue is that USpeedTreeImportFactory::FactoryCreateBinary() tries to generate a UI dialog, which is ...