Sequencer spawned blueprint functions/variables not firing with correct values on begin play

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 11, 2017

Created in relation to Issue relates to behavior of the Event BeginPlay and the propagation of ...

Enum can lose value in Child actors with component containing a Map of Structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 12, 2018

Value in an Enum in a Struct in another Struct assigned to a Map in a Component with the Component used on a Child Pawn Class can be reset upon editor relaunch. User submitted bug. (Unsure what int ...

FObjectReplicator::ValidateAgainstState may validate against the wrong buffers

UE - Networking - Oct 22, 2018

In 4.14, changes were introduced to share replicated state between objects on the server (Shadow State) this was done to allow sharing property comparisons to determine when objects needed to replic ...

Getattachedactors does not return the proper value when called from the Constructor

UE - Gameplay - Nov 7, 2018

A user has reported that using GetAttachedActors in the Constructor does not work properly. If actors are attached in the editor, the function does not return the correct value when called in the Co ...

Find and replace reference feature(experimental) crashes after indexing dialog

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 30, 2019

FindInBlueprints->CacheAllBlueprints(FSimpleDelegate::CreateSP(this, &SReplaceNodeReferences::OnSubmitSearchQuery, true), EFiBVersion::FIB_VER_VARIABLE_REFERENCE);  This leads to crash. Users can b ...

Far Shadow Cascades fade out based on the length of the Distance Field Shadows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 14, 2019

Far Shadow Cascades are fading out based on the length of the Distance Field Shadows. Causing the shadows to cut out abruptly. ...

HISM Component not Rendering in Packaged Game using Shipping Configuration

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 7, 2019

HISM Component not rendering in a packaged game using Shipping configuration.  Working as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 6063286 and 4.23 CL# 6317373 ...

Deleting elements from TMap Struct in actor blueprint editor causes Crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 24, 2019

Deleting elements from TMap Struct in the Actor Blueprint Editor (specifically, deleting elements from them) causes Unreal to crash ...

Long splash screen when launching a cook on the fly project on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 16, 2015

When launching a cook on the fly project on Android the splash screen last about 2 minutes before the template opens. ...

Procecdural Mesh Components without a material assigned crashes on conversion to Static Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 6, 2019

This bug doesn't occur in 4.21. The issue is at line 157 in ProceduralMeshComponentDetails.cpp . When the procedural mesh has a material the crash doesn't occur. File location: Runtime/ProceduralMe ...