Cannot click send in CrashReportClient on Mac

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Oct 24, 2016

The CrashReportClient does not allow the send buttons to be clicked on a Mac. The client works fine on Windows. This works in 4.13.2. Works in: 4.13.2 - 3167898 Broken in: 4.14.0 - 3171634 WORKA ...

UnrealCEFSubProcess requires Visual Studio 2013 to be compiled

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Oct 21, 2016

When trying to build the entire engine solution or UnrealCEFSubProcess directly, Visual Studio 2013 is required to be installed for UnrealCEFSubProcess to complete successfully. There is also an err ...

Actors attached to a child actor component become unattached after viewport update

UE - Gameplay - Oct 21, 2016

When an actor is added as a child to another actor's child actor through the world outliner, updating the editor viewport causes the added actor to become unattached from the child actor. ...

Post Processing Settings do not update in Persona when the values are changed in Preview Scene Settings

UE - Gameplay - Oct 21, 2016

The post processing effects do not update in the Persona Viewport in realtime. They will take effect if the post process setting is disabled and renabled. This is a regression. ...

Failed to Zip Projects

Tools - Oct 21, 2016

When trying to zip the project the editor fails almost immediately. The output logs shows as follows: UATHelper: Zip Project Task (Windows): Running AutomationTool... UATHelper: Zip Project Task (W ...

Project crashes when creating a Standalone Window editor plugin, restarting, and immediately playing as Standalone Game

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Oct 21, 2016

If the user creates a Standalone Window Editor plugin and restarts the editor then immediately plays the game as Standalone Game, the editor hits an assert. [Link Removed] Appears to only happen i ...

FixDeps runs on every build even without any changes

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 21, 2016

This has been fixed for 4.15, but 4.14 was branched before the fix. Note that this issue is distinct from [Link Removed] and the fix is much simpler. Note that [Link Removed] (pull request #2839) ...

Rebuild and Clean options in Visual Studio fails compile

UE - Foundation - Build - Farm - Oct 20, 2016

Attempting to use Rebuild / Clean fails to compile. VS output shown in callstack. ...

ENGINE: CRASH: One off Editor Crash with ANavLinkProxy::GetComponentsBoundingBox() navlinkproxy.cpp:189

UE - AI - Oct 20, 2016

One off editor crash. [Link Removed] Error Message Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Call Stack of Most Recent Crash ANavLinkProxy::GetComponentsBoundingBox() na ...