Landscape UI Elements are not visible

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 4, 2016

Per conversation between Gareth and Mike, it was determined the Landscape tool is in Game Mode by default. Within the Landscape Tool, all UI elements are disabled by default. This has been observed ...

Mobile Map loading times have increased from 4.12 to 4.13

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 4, 2016

The loading time from 4.12 to 4.13 on mobile devices seems to have increased quite a bit. My results: 4.12.5 Windows 7 - Launch On: Loading Level 2 - .51 Loading Level 3 - .74 Loading Level 1 - .73 ...

Scaling blueprint component via gizmo breaks if axis scale reaches 0.0

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2016

Using the transform gizmo to scale a blueprint component will break the functionality if scaled to 0.0 and released. Workaround: If the scale value is directly set to non-zero value, gizmo can be u ...

Double Clicking a component that is in another blueprint in the results of Find-In-Blueprints is unresponsive

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 4, 2016

When you double click a component from another BP in the FiB results nothing happens. When the other BP that contains previously mentioned component is already open, it does open to the component. W ...

Editor crashes when a floating window PIE command is issued repeatedly

Tools - Oct 4, 2016

After assigning Keyboard Shortcut for New Editor Window (PIE) as "F3" and returning to Viewport and selecting "F3" to open New Editor Window (PIE), continuing to repeatedly press F3 results in the e ...

AI MoveTo Blueprint node will zero velocity on Pawn when called, causing a freeze if the Pawn is already moving

UE - AI - Oct 4, 2016

AI MoveTo Blueprint node will zero velocity, causing a stop when a new destination is set if the Pawn is currently moving. Regression: Yes Worked: 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) Broken: 4.13.1 (CL 3142249) F ...

Crash attempting to open an asset from Aim Offset graph in Persona

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2016

This is a regression from 4.13 ...

Second Animation Sample added to AimOffset or Blendspace swaps with the first sample

OLD - Anim - Oct 3, 2016

Second Animation Sample added to AimOffset or Blendspace swaps with the first sample Note: After adding a 3rd sample, they switch back to the correct position. Regression: Sort of. In previous ...

Launcher and Editor context / dropdown menus do not display correctly on upcoming Windows 10 build

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Oct 3, 2016

A few users using the Windows 10 Insider Preview have found that after a certain point in the Prerelease builds, starting at 14915 it seems, the Unreal Editor and Epic Games Launcher context menus h ...