If you have a windows username with a special character (in this case, it was ^), the launcher will not allow you to create a new project, and a warning appears indicating that the path cannot conta ...
Attempting to get the owner of an Actor Component that contains an exposed variable will return the Spawner blueprint's display name instead of the Spawned Actor it is added to. Found in 4.10.2 bin ...
Go To Definition fails for Set and Map Utility nodes (does not seem to affect Arrays). A warning similar to the following appears in the output log:LogSelectionDetails: Warning: NavigateToFunctionS ...
Light Propagation Volume Occlusion does not affect scene as it should. The workaround in 4.17.2 is to disable DBuffer decals which will enable the Light Propagation Volume Occlusion. Occurs in 4.1 ...
Sampling a Cascade Mesh Particle's scale always returns XYZ as 1.0 This is a regression from UE4/Release-4.24. This does NOT affect Niagara Mesh particles. I've attached a Cascade (left example ...
Note: This issue also affects MetaSound Patches and any Members Menu List Repro Rate: 5/5 Regression marked as No: issue was seen in 5.2 and 5.1 UE5+Release-5.2-CL-26001984 UE5+Release-5.1-CL- ...
It seems that when comparing the custom versions for a replay (in the "operator<<" defined in ReplayTypes.cpp), the value retrieved from the FCurrentCustomVersions is not the value set at runtime, b ...
Array inputs in Custom Events cause a compiler "note". On compile, "NOTE" is added to the node, and this appears in the Compiler Results: "Info No value will be returned by reference. Parameter 'Lis ...
Billboard components render translucent during play, but render opaque within the editor. Simply adding a billboard as a component to a new actor blueprint and placing it in the level will reproduce ...
When converting a project to a different version of the engine, the GenerateProjectFiles.command process is not ran as it would be on Windows with GenerateProjectFiles.bat. This can cause issues, es ...