When modifying an object that makes changes using the construction script seems to cause a memory leak. The memory that is used seems to never be freed up. ...
When a capsule is attached to an actor Root Component followed by playing in editor through VS debug mode there is a breakpoint triggered in VS upon pressing PIE. Continuing through the break allow ...
Two different users have pointed out that the spring controls seem inverted and/or counter intuitive: The first post: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/328098/spring-controller-seems-to- ...
Min roughness in the light settings currently aren't working in the forward shading mode. ...
When using a Japanese keyboard, using Japanese language input special key(halfwidth/fullwidth/kanji key) zooms out graph view in BP editor and Material editor. It seems the menu key makes the editor ...
Crash when compiling BP (containing user defined struct + object reference) after adding variable. ...
After loading a map containing a ParentBP with a ChildActorBP, Deleting and undoing the deletion will "resurrect" the original child, and a new child actor is parented to parent. Possibly Related: ...
Transparency is not being applied to web browser inside of 3d widget on android. Tested with Samsung Galaxy S5 4.19.2 CL 4033788 4.20p5 4173640 4.21 CL 4179794 ...
When attempting to run SunTemple with r.Mobile.SupportGPUScene enabled on some Mali GPUs, the project renders with what looks like pieces of the geometry stretching across the level and bending out ...
User encounters a failed assertion when trying to create a simple geometry collection from a box ...