Loading Pak Files from Third Party into Project producing Texture Artifacts

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 2, 2016

Calling an object from the mounted pak file, textures on objects appear wrong, and the texture from the Engine defaults gets assigned. This happens with all objects on the screen including meshes, b ...

Convert selected components to Blueprint Class will crash if the Actor is not tagged as BlueprintSpawnableComponent

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 2, 2016

The editor will crash when using "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" for actors that the root component is not tagged as a BlueprintSpawnableComponent. ...

Typing "Custom" in Blueprint Search Menu No Longer Brings Up Add Custom Event by Default

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 2, 2016

When typing the word "Custom" into a blueprint search field, Add Custom Event is no longer the first node that appears. This is inconsistent with behavior in previous versions, as typing in "custom ...

Alembic import axis not aligned correctly

UE - Gameplay - Sep 2, 2016

Alembic import transform is flipped on the Y axis and the scale is also rotated for its axis. I've attached a text asset similar to the users to easily identify the issue along with the source Max ...

Master sequence dialog button is hidden

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 2, 2016

Cannot Save Blueprint if Get All Actors of Class In Param is a Level Class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 2, 2016

When trying to get all actors of a level class, the blueprint that the node is contained in cannot be saved. ...

Invisible landscape components when using tessellation

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 2, 2016

From user report ...

Selecting a brush surface that is flush with other brush surfaces selects all of them after Building Geometry

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Sep 1, 2016

This issue was reported by internal UT developers. When selecting the surface of a brush that share flush surfaces with other brushes, all surfaces are selected. This seems to only occur after sel ...

File Media Source assets created via drag & drop have absolute instead of relative path

Media Framework - Sep 1, 2016

Notice that the saved FilePath is not relative, but contains the full path on the hard drive. When clicking into the FilePath property and then clicking somewhere else to lose focus on it, it will a ...

Editor crashes when right clicking a box collision after adding a converted static mesh in blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2016

I created a cylinder with a subtractive cylinder inside of it. I also used a box BSP with a subtractive box inside of it and got the crash to repro. I tried with a sphere BSP twice and didn't get ...