Media Player not playing in Packaged Project for Android

Media Framework - Aug 18, 2016

Unable to play Media Player on a packaged packaged project for Android. Note I tested two separate devices and neither were able to display the media file as expected. The user reporting the issue ...

Editor crashes if a sublevel with a landscape is duplicated then added to the persistent level as a sublevel.

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 18, 2016

If a sublevel is duplicated and contains a landscape, the editor will crash when the duplicate level is added to the persistent level as a sublevel. Frequency 4/4 Regression (yes) issue (does not ...

Fire tower lights do not change when held down in StrategyGame on iOS

Docs - Samples - Aug 18, 2016

The fire tower charge effect is not working correctly on iOS. This was tested with an iPhone6S_6240 OS: 9.3.2 Does not occur on Android. Tested on Galaxy S7 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UMaterialInstance::SetParentInternal() [materialinstance.cpp:2141]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 18, 2016

This JIRA is being entered as a result of this being one of the top crashes in 4.13 Preview 2 Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 2 ...

iOS Multiplayer Join Session does not function.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 18, 2016

iOS Game Center multiplayer create session does not function or crashes app. ...

Repeating Cinematic loop at beginning of MatineeFightScene

Docs - Samples - Aug 18, 2016

The cinematic loops at the very beginning when opening the sample in standalone game on Mac. Cannot repro on Windows using standalone game, but can repro on Windows if you launch using -game. ...

No lens flare or camera effect in the opening scene of ElementalDemo

Docs - Samples - Aug 17, 2016

See this youtube video for reference [Link Removed] 8 to 14 seconds ...

Crash after switching materials on a particle system mesh and saving the mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 17, 2016

The repro steps are very similar to except that you have to save the static mesh before switching back to the particle editor. ...

Sequencer Auto-key will incorrectly place a key for rotation if the object's rotation is not between -180 and 180

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 17, 2016

Sequencer prefers rotation to be specified between -180 and 180, while the details panels prefer between 0 and 360. When auto-key is on, sequencer will add a key that does this conversion despite th ...

Callling "Get[AxisMapping]" or adding AxisMapping Event node in blueprint will break code input implementation for that axis mapping

UE - Gameplay - Input - Aug 17, 2016

When character input is defined in code, adding a call to the Get[AxisMapping] node in blueprints causes input for the specific mapping to fail. Note: This only affects code based input, Blueprint ...