When a blueprint that is based on a custom class is migrated from one project to another the references to the original class are held. This means that the blueprint is unusable in the new project, ...
GPU Particle sprites will collide with a paper 2D assets texture but not the collision box. ...
Special function key presses and hotkey shortcuts do not register in the editor if they fire key presses instantaneously (0ms). In particular, TypeMatrix keyboards reproduce this error using keyboar ...
When changing Time Dilation settings at runtime, it can cause vehicles to be thrown into the air and exhibit other odd physics behavior. This issue occurs when the Time Dilation is being set from sl ...
This bug has different behavior throughout the 4 different versions listed. 4.8.3 - Gives an assert 4.9.2 & 4.10 - Gives a fatal error crash 4.11 (Main) - Freezes the editor without a crash report ...
Updating project to 4.12 corrupts Additive AimOffset thumbnail, causing log spamLogAnimation:Warning: Setting an additive animation (Owen_AimOffset) on an AnimSingleNodeInstance is not allowed. This ...
When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...
Box reflection captures with some assets are not working correctly. The reflection capture is being tiled with version after 4.7 that were not in 4.6. Images are attached to demonstrate along with ...
Creating a Macro with a Wildcard Array and then using that macro to accept an array as input and attempting to get the first element causes an error to appear in the output log. In the AnswerHub u ...
A licensee is reporting a difference in auto-exposure brightness levels between PIE and a Packaged project. He is working in VR, but since I was not able to reproduce the issue on my end it is hard ...