Shadows Replicated to Second Player while in Multiplayer PIE using Single Process

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 27, 2016

When running multiplayer PIE in the Third Person Example project, if player one is shadowed, the second player also becomes shadowed. This almost seems expected as it is being run as a single proce ...

Node comments do not save if deselected with mouse as opposed to pressing Enter to end/commit comment.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2016

Node comments do not save if a blueprint is closed and re-opened when the comment is ended by using LMB on the event graph as opposed to pressing Enter. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11. ...

DetachActor removes collision from parent, but not mesh.

UE - Gameplay - Jun 27, 2016

When using DetachActor, the collision for the mesh is detached, but the mesh remains attached to the blueprint. This causes the mesh to fall through the floor while leaving the collision behind. R ...

GPU Particle Freeze in Fullscreen PIE when Combined with Widget Blueprint using any Widget Element

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 27, 2016

Certain particle systems freeze when rendered in Fullscreen mode during PIE with Text Block added within Widget Blueprint. From what I could tell it is the GPU particles that are freezing. Note I n ...

Widget components and widgets in screen space are not the same color

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 27, 2016

Widget components appear to be affected by lighting. This causes differences in color between widget components and widgets that have been added to the viewport. ...

CRASH when Closing Editor (Alt F4 while in VR mode)

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 27, 2016

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_XAudio2!FXAudio2SoundSource::PrepareForInitialization() [xaudio2source.cpp:517]

UE - Audio - Jun 24, 2016

joseph.w - attempting to PIE in advanced vehicle blueprint templateCrash when selecting pie ...

Using "Play Animation" node, if current animation has a looping timed particle it will continue playing

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2016

Calling "Play Animation", if current animation has a looping timed particle it will continue playing ...

Blackboard Key Type Cannot Be Compared Using an "Equals" Node

UE - AI - Jun 24, 2016

Attempting to compare a blackboard key type using an equals node always returns false. In the setup in the attached project, there is a task that contains a public Blackboard Key Selector variable. ...

Crash Occurs When Renaming Folder in Landscape Mountains Project

Tools - Jun 23, 2016

Changing the name of a newly-created folder that contains a few copies of the same map causes a crash in the Landscape Mountains project. This crash did not occur in a clean First Person project wh ...