Physics Constraint no longer constrains components that are set to Query Only

UE - Gameplay - May 5, 2016

Physics Constraint no longer constrains conponents that are set to Query Only Regression from 4.11.2 User Description: Testing a 4.12 copy of my 4.11 project and when I tested in editor, all my ...

Capsule shadows in VR (Oculus CV1/Vive) appear jagged

UE - Platform - XR - May 5, 2016

Capsule shadows in VR (Oculus CV1/Vive) appear jagged and slightly different in each on vive. ...

Attach in Sequencer causes erratic translation values on Child

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 5, 2016

Attach in Sequencer causes erratic translation values on Child ...

Get Random Point in Navigable Radius Returning Invalid Value

UE - AI - May 5, 2016

When using the Get Random Point in Navigable Radius node, every few points return an invalid value. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 2, 4.10.4 binary, and Main CL 2962354 ...

Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 4, 2016

Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...

Tessellation appears to cause textures to appear incorrectly in the right eye of the vive

UE - Platform - XR - May 3, 2016

Tessellation appears to cause textures to appear incorrectly in the right eye of the vive ...

Setting the r.ScreenPercentageTranslucency Variable below 100 causes Texture Swimming

UE - Graphics Features - May 3, 2016

When setting the 'r.SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage' variable to any value other than 100, UV world space textures begin to swim. In the example project attached, I created a simple translucent ...

Attached Project Crashes While Opening After Conversion From 4.10 to 4.11

UE - Foundation - Core - May 3, 2016

The attached project is now crashing after being upgraded from 4.10.4 to 4.11.2. This crash also occurs when attempting to open a copy of the project in 4.12 Preview 1. After further investigation ...

Skylight reflections not rendering correctly on translucent materials

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

When attempting to create or use a translucent material the skylight reflection does not render. Regression: Yes Working:2946394 (binary) Broken:2963582 ...

Build Step Async Step Infinite Loop

Tools - May 2, 2016

The new custom editor build steps don't properly advance when we complete an async build step, looks like it was untested. ...