ReversedDepthOnlyIndexBuffer exported even when bEnableDepthOnlyIndexBuffer is false

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 14, 2023

ReversedDepthOnlyIndexBuffer is exported even when bEnableDepthOnlyIndexBuffer is false. It's likely an error and line 568 in StaticMesh.cpp should rather be ://if (!bEnableReversedIndexBuffer) <= ...

CopyFileUnderSourceControl Fails on Already Resolved Files

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 12, 2023

CopyFileUnderSourceControl has instances when the response is not a success even though the files are copied successfully under source control. It seems FPerforceCopyWorker::Execute() tries to reso ...

Inconsistent Behavior for MarkFilesForDelete/MarkFileForDelete

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 12, 2023

MarkFilesForDelete stops the files from getting deleted if they are checked out by others while, MarkFileForDelete (non-batched version) has no problem deleting such files. It looks like MarkFilesF ...

Cooking crash during shutdown with no useful error

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 11, 2023

Sometimes some of actors are destroyed after the destruction of the solver through the garbage collector. In this case, the app crash in FChaosScene::RemoveActorFromAccelerationStructureImp because ...

OCIO: orthographic viewport perspectives disable color transform

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Color - Apr 6, 2023

Switching through a non-perspective view disables the OCIO color transformation until perspective is re-selected. (There is also a related Slate-Editor issue where the visible viewport label doesn't ...

Reference to control rig can be lost on actors with multiple skeletal mesh components

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Apr 4, 2023

In the attached project, when we initially add a control rig track for the actor with multiple skeletal mesh components, we add the control rig for the correct component because FControlRigParameter ...

Subobject editor collapsed nodes are auto expanded when adding or moving a node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 3, 2023

Node operations cause all of the collapsed nodes to be auto expanded. This is disruptive when working with complex hierarchies because you can't hide irrelevant components. ...

Changing default values in a user defined struct will break links

Changing user defined struct values appears to break any nodes that use pin splitting for the given struct. It would appear that some parent pins aren't set correctly during reconstruction, which or ...

Duplicated function in BP editor is categorized differently from copy/paste

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 30, 2023

From licensee: If I create a function in a Blueprint Interface or Blueprint Function Library and leave it in the Default category, it shows up in the "All Actions for this Blueprint" menu under "Cl ...