Window Size does not Change to iPhone 6 presets when in Standalone Game or Mobile Preview (PIE)

Tools - Apr 12, 2016

You cannot adjust the Window size to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 + preset Common Window Sizes in the Editor Preferences. Regression: this did not occur in UE 4.10 NOTE: This does not occur in New Ed ...

Blueprint compile fails after changing the default values of a struct that is part of another struct that makes up a Data Table that is used within the Blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 23, 2016

Changing the default value of a struct that is included as an array in another struct can prevent any Blueprints that use a DataTable made from the second struct from compiling. It appears to be a p ...

Orientation is wrong for client in networked HMD game when UseControllerRotationRoll is true

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 20, 2017

A networked VR (HMD) game will result in an undesirable rotation for the pawn on startup for a network client, and the issue is dependent on timing. ...

Crash when adding SK_Mannequin to a Level Sequence in QAGame

OLD - Anim - Feb 20, 2017

This crash only occurs when the asset is dragged and dropped into the level. Workaround Add the asset to the level, then to the sequence. NOTE This does not occur in //UE4/Main ...

UFE Deploying and launching a packaged build on Linux fails due to invalid directory

UE - Platform - Linux - Dec 22, 2016

Deploying and launching a packaged project, using a Custom Launch Profile that is set to copy the project to a repository, fails due to a missing /. I do not see this issue when running a Quick Lau ...

Overlap trigger on Event Begin Play doesn't work after converting project from 4.7.6 to 4.8 P2

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2015

Overlap trigger on Event Begin Play doesn't work after converting project from 4.7.6 to 4.8 P2. The user thought this was related to using Custom collision object types but it is reproducible with ...

Crash playing in viewport with a character that has a Wheel Class

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 27, 2016

Crash occurs when playing in editor with a character that has a Simple Wheeled Vehicle Movement Component, with a Wheel Class assigned to it. This crash seems to only occur if Don't Create Shape is ...

changing localization does not change text in PIE

Tools - Sep 10, 2015

When switching localization for testing, text does not change language in PIE. ...

Deleting a Sync Marker created by an Animation modifier deletes all Sync Marks made by the Animation Modifier

UE - Anim - Jan 14, 2022

Using the delete key or context menu to delete a single sync marker created by an Animation Modifier deletes all sync markers created by the Animation Modifier. If all the markers are deleted, and ...

Editing an array config property via ProjectSettings can end up editing other platform config properties.

UE - Foundation - Core - May 27, 2024

Platforms .ini config files can end up with incorrect data, due to how ProjectSettings manages the config data. On a Windows machine, if we open the ProjectSettings window, all the data is going to ...