Widgets begin to clip incorrect when placed in side of a configuration of Scale box > Canvas Panel > Scale Box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 4, 2015

If the user deleted the canvas panel and then uses the following hierarchy:[]Scale Box v []Canvas panel v []Scale Box v [] Other widget The "other widget" will clip incorrectly ...

FBodyInstance::GetBodyBounds fails if RigidActorSync is a PxRigidStatic

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 3, 2015

A user reported that FBodyInstance::GetBodyBounds() fails if RigidActorSync is a PxRigidStatic. They stated that it returns uninitialized data because PxRigidStatic does not subclass PxRigidBody. ...

Post processing rendering artifacts Nexus 6

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 3, 2015

When you push a mobile targeted project to the Nexus 6, the rendering is all sorts of wrong. When you hover over to where the items are, the screen goes black. There is also a large black or cyan sp ...

Failed Import Error Message Appears on Components in Child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Components - Dec 2, 2015

Creating a C++ class based on actor and adding components to it will build successfully and work as expected. However, creating two child blueprints of a parent that is based on that C++ class and p ...

Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart

UE - Gameplay - Components - Dec 2, 2015

Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart. [Link Removed] Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 b ...

Passing a TAssetPtr into a BlueprintImplementableEvent results in a build error in the generated code.

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 2, 2015

Trying to pass a TAssetPtr to a BlueprintImplementableEvent function will result in a build failure. It appears that the TAssetPtr should be passed as a const reference, but this results in an error ...

When a widget is Anchored for full screen but is outside of the canvas panel this can cause a memory leak

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 2, 2015

If the user places a text widget out side of the canvas panel and then sets it's anchor point to full screen, this can cause a memory leak (100kb-800kb). ...

Automatic Animation Compression Results in Crash

OLD - Anim - Dec 1, 2015

Using the "Automatic" option to compress animation results in crash 100% in UE4.10 but does not occur in UE4.9.2. *Regression ...

Materials not showing up in HUD on mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 1, 2015

When launching a project onto a mobile device that has a material that is shown via the hud blueprint. The material does not render. ...

Change background color/tooltip of behavior tree's root level decorators

UE - AI - Dec 1, 2015

Users find it confusing when they add decorators on root composite and none of those decorators work. We need to keep them for subtree feature though. And it can result in root-note decorators not ...