Attempting to connect to Perforce source control causes a crash

Tools - Oct 16, 2015

Selecting Perforce from the list of source control options will cause the editor to crash. Crash Reporter [Link Removed] May also be the same as: [Link Removed] REGRESSION? Yes. Issue did not occ ...

Sequencer does not support Quaternion Rotation when manipulating transform tools or piloting cameras

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 16, 2015

Noticing an issue when keying a camera and then playing back the animation it turns or spins in directions i never intended. Think we need check box for toggling Use Quaternion linear interpolation ...

Reimporting a static mesh will reset multiple properties in the Static Mesh Editor

Tools - Oct 15, 2015

When reimporting a static mesh settings that have been changed in the Static Mesh Editor will be reset to the defaults. ...

Render Target Cube appears dark in Reflections level.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 15, 2015

Adding a render target cube to a Scene Capture Cube returns a very dark texture. ...

Application crashes when blueprint contains a copied timeline

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2015

Copied timeline nodes triggers an Android crash and a black screen on the iOS devices. ...

Any Key input binding does not respond to any key presses

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 15, 2015

The input binding "Any Key", which was added in 4.9, does not respond to any key presses. Regression?: No: This feature did not exist before 4.9 ...

VC Runtime not in UnrealLightmass temp directory; causing lightmass build errors

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Oct 14, 2015

A Redistribute file for VS 2015 is needed to build lightmass, but this is not currently included with the engine. If a user does not have VS 2015 installed, lightmass will fail with this error: Un ...

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision

UE - Gameplay - Oct 14, 2015

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision User Description: It seems that the "Weld Simulated Bodies" option on the AttachToActor function (same with AttachActorToActor) ...

Navigation system's queries should pass agent parameters to NavData

UE - AI - Oct 14, 2015

FPathFindingQuery seems to be best candidate ...