Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 13, 2015

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player. Note: this worked in 4.7.6 and earlier. Test project attached. In it, the Player Controller controlled by the acti ...

Allow promote to variable on Color structs/Vertex Colors structs for Procedural Mesh components

UE - Gameplay - Oct 13, 2015

Issue: Currently, it is not possible to make a variable of type "Color" specifically for the color struct on procedural mesh components (see image attached). This is the only variable on procedura ...

Expose 'WorldUp' direction for CableComponents

UE - Gameplay - Oct 13, 2015

When the Cable component is set to specific rotations it will no longer render the cable actor that is attached to a mesh. Image is attached with multiple setups. Workaround to get it to render: ...

PhysX Crash when spawning Instanced Static Mesh actors at Runtime

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Oct 13, 2015

Bug generated from crash reporter. This crash has been found in 4.7.6 and still occurs in 4.8.3 and 4.9.2 to users. One user in particular still, and he experiences it often. I have not been able ...

Crash on suspend

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 13, 2015

User has reported a crash on suspend related to the display link when the game is set to be frame rate locked. ...

Type changes not detected by BP Diff tool

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 12, 2015

Type changes are not shown as differences in the BP Diff tool. Found on 4.9 by live user (UDN link in additional info URL). ...

Typo in Auto Activate Tooltip within Blueprint Components

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2015

Blueprint tooltip on auto activate within a blueprint component reads: Whether to the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated. It should read: Whether the component ...

Crash when trying to find references to blueprint Structure node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 12, 2015

Right clicking on a struct node inside a blueprint and selecting the "Find References" option will cause the editor to crash Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Animation Starter Pack IK Handles Not Moving

UE - Anim - Rigging - Oct 12, 2015

In the Animation Starter Pack for UE 4.9, The IK handles for the Mannequin's Skeleton do not move with the the rest of the joints in any AnimSequence. *See attached image. ...

Using a Short cut to create a local variable in an event graph that does not support them will cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 12, 2015

If the user creates a shortcut for creating a local variable within the editor preferences and then uses that short cut in the level blueprint this will cause a crash. ...