Make array node elements break when editing struct elements

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 23, 2015

If a Make Array BP node is connected to a structure, using the "Split Struct Pin" and "Remove Array Element Pin" options causes array elements numbers to change randomly. ...

Float values do not show up on the curve editor when animating widgets

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 23, 2015

If the user has a float value that is exposed on a widget and that widget is added to another widget (via the user created) section, the the float value will not show up on the curve editor of any a ...

r.AllowStaticLighting=False causes Rendering Issues

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 22, 2015

When setting a project to only use dynamic lighting with the console variable r.AllowStaticLighting=false, the rendering of a Skeletal Mesh in Persona is corrupted. r.AllowStaticLighting=False: in ...

Sound Track in Matinee Ignoring Track Location and Playing Audio at Beginning of Sound Wave/Cue

Tools - Sep 22, 2015

When scrubbing the Matinee handle with a Sound Track added, no matter the location of the handle, the sound wave associated will play from the beginning of the audio file. Tested in 4.8.3 - 2634408 ...

Wireframe for "r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCells 1" is upside down on ES2

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 21, 2015

The wireframe for "r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCells 1" is upside down as stated in the UDN. ...

Changing levels after setting an images material to a dynamic material with a widget blueprint that has been added to the viewport within a HUD blueprint will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 21, 2015

A crash occurs if the following conditions are metSetting an image widget to a dynamic materialAdding the widget blueprint to the viewport from within a HUD blueprintChanging levels ...

Crash when Child Actor Component overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 21, 2015

Crash when Child Actor Component, that is set to Destroy Other Actor on overlap, overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

DBuffer Decals render on top of Foliage

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

This is the same issue found in [Link Removed]. Foliage will not act as an occluder as expected with painted foliage. [Image Removed] Also reproduced in Main CL-2689138 ...

Garbage Collection Causes Lag in MAC Project

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 18, 2015

User reports lag regardless of the Garbage Collection settings, EXCEPT: If the user changes settings to 3 then lag becomes more frequent (approximately every 3 seconds verses every 5 seconds.) *Wa ...

Initial Modules are clamped to a 0 to 1 time range

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 18, 2015

The Initial Modules appear to be clamped to a zero to 1 time frame since 4.8 was released. Projects that are converted from 4.7.6 will have correctly working particle systems, but adding a new part ...