Attaching a camera actor component that is the child of a spring arm component to a new skeletal mesh's socket will cause a crash on the server

UE - Gameplay - Sep 11, 2015

A User is Spawning an actor, taking the skeletal mesh from it and is attaching a camera from another actor to a socket that is owned by the spawned mesh. This only happens if the camera that is move ...

Blendspace Animation Lag for Morph Targets

OLD - Anim - Sep 11, 2015

Blendspace animations of morph targets play at a slightly but noticably different rate between the 4.8 and 4.9 version of the UE4. ...

Removing BlueprintReadWrite from a UPROPERTY declaration doesn't make existing nodes invalid

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 11, 2015

Blueprint nodes that exist as a result of the UPROPERTY() macro don't get disabled once the "BlueprintReadWrite" or "BlueprintReadOnly" is removed as a parameter in the UPROPERTY() macro. The nodes ...

Decals ignore Receives Decal Flag on movable static meshes on Mobile devices or Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 10, 2015

Decals when rendered on a mobile device or via mobile preview will ignore the receives decal flag. In Editor:[Image Removed] Mobile Preview:[Image Removed] ...

Launching a Project which uses Depth of Field crashes to Home Screen on iOS8 device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 10, 2015

When depth of field is activated in a project running on an iOS 8 device, the project will close to the Home Screen. ...

Effects.umap causes Standalone and Mobile Preview PIE to Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 10, 2015

When opening Effects.umap from Content Examples in Standalone Preview or Mobile Preview, it'll crash. ...

Alt-tabbing out of a Standalone App or packaged version of a game does not trigger LostFocus or ReceiveFocus

Tools - Sep 9, 2015

If a user uses Alt-tab to change to another window, the ReceivedFocus and LostFocus functions are not called as they would usually be called when using something such as Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Esc. Note: ...

A Blueprint that references a macro from a macro library cannot be saved if the macro is deleted and then the deletion is undone

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 9, 2015

A Blueprint that references a macro from a macro library cannot be saved if the macro is deleted and then the deletion is undone. The following error is given: Can't save ../../../../../../UnrealEn ...

Code based BT task breaks after closing/reopening the editor

UE - AI - Sep 9, 2015

A behavior tree task created in code will break in the editor behavior tree. The BTTask node shows as red and says that the class cannot be found. Node must be deleted and replaced to fix the erro ...

Mesh blueprint has incorrect Scaling in viewport when added as a child blueprint component

UE - Gameplay - Sep 9, 2015

If the user converts two static meshes in the level to blueprints, makes them movable, and then adds one to the other as a child blueprint component then the child component will scale incorrectly i ...