Paper 2D Sprites rendering incorrect Color

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 11, 2015

The Vertex (Sprite) Color is rendering a higher value than the color picker has set. In 4.7.6 this is consistent for Materials as well, but in 4.8 and 4.9 only the Paper2D elements are rendering at ...

Sprite sheets cannot be reimported in 4.8 in a project that was converted from an older version

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 11, 2015

User bug report: Why do you guys remove the Json Importer from UE 4.8? All atlases from TexturePacker can not be imported anymore on our projects. Is there a way to activate it? or maybe is there a ...

In Third person template (specifically) Getting World Location of a character component in a packaged game will cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 11, 2015

If the user gets the world location of the arrow component ( one example) in a packaged project it will cause the game to crash. This does not happen in the editor and it has to be done one the thir ...

Piloting character actor with camera not working properly

Tools - Jun 11, 2015

When using the pilot function a character actor with a camera actor cannot move around properly. This issue may be due to something with the LevelEditorViewport.cpp UpdateViewForLockedActor function ...

Crash when Scrubbing Matinee Slider with Sound Wave using Subtitles

Tools - Jun 11, 2015

A crash occurs when scrubbing the matinee slider with a 'Sound Wave' that has 'Subtitles' enabled. You need to enable 'Subtitles' within the settings of the asset. Tested issue in 4.7.6 and did no ...

User Play Space Rot does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake

UE - Gameplay - Jun 11, 2015

User does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake. Reproduced in 4.8 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2581498). This is a Regression: it works as expected in 4.7.6 ...

Crash when Applying Hole Material to Imported Tiled Landscape with World Composition

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 11, 2015

A crash occurs when importing a tiled landscape, via the 'Levels' window with World Composition enabled, and applying a material to the 'Hole Material' slot. You can also re-apply a default material ...

Oculus DK1 does not work with Mac

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 11, 2015

Could not get the Get the stereo mode to work for the DK1 on the Mac. There is no preview, Alt+ Enter does not work, and the command "Stereo on" does not work. ...

Crash when Listen Server Attempts ServerTravel in Play in New Editor Window

UE - Networking - Jun 9, 2015

JamesG: New callstack on UDN thread points to UNetDriver::TickFlush Editor crashes if a listen server attempts to use the console command ServerTravel while in Play in a New Editor Window. CrashR ...

Blocking volumes moved into sublevels from the persistent level do not correctly function in standalone game

Tools - Jun 9, 2015

If a blocking volume is created in the persistent level and then moved to a sublevel, it will no longer correctly block objects in standalone game. ...