Linux editor does not have a proper icon

UE - Platform - Linux - May 22, 2015

Linux editor (and other tools) have default icons instead of proper UE4 ones. ...

Linux editor can fail on start due to a stale TPS library in Engine/Binaries/Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - May 21, 2015

For 4.8, we moved LinuxNativeDialogs, a third-party library, to a different location (and also changed its API somewhat, so the old library is binary incompatible). However, some users apparently a ...

Editor not properly handling frame ranges for 60fps animations

OLD - Anim - May 21, 2015

The editor does not seem to be handling frame ranges properly for 60fps animations. Say you have a 200 frame animation that spans frame 0-200. Upon import it will be 201 frames. If you set the ra ...

Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs. They can still be dragged into the graph. Reproduced in 4.8 Preview 3 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2560501) ...

Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldContext pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldConte ...

Errors when reorganizing marketplace assets into a project hierarchy

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 21, 2015

When adding assets to your projects from the vault, moving the new assets to new sub folders will cause issues when trying to delete the folders from the content browser. ...

Errors when reorganizing marketplace assets into a project hierarchy

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 21, 2015

When adding assets to your projects from the vault, moving the new assets to new sub folders will cause issues when trying to delete the folders from the content browser. ...

Errors when reorganizing marketplace assets into a project hierarchy

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 21, 2015

When adding assets to your projects from the vault, moving the new assets to new sub folders will cause issues when trying to delete the folders from the content browser. ...

Distance Field AO leaving trail of occlusion shadow where character mesh has been.

UE - Graphics Features - May 21, 2015

When using DFAO and moving around the world a trail will be left behind the where the player has been while PIE/Standalone game is being used. This is cleared when exiting these modes. **Video att ...

Reset Emitter button in blueprint emitter component has no effect

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

After setting a particle system component inside blueprint, clicking the "Reset Emitter" button in the details panel does not have any effect on the particle system. ...