When using ProceduralFoliageVolume, ActorFoliage can be used even if World Partition is enabled in UE5.0

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 28, 2022

UE5.0 does not support ActorFoliage at Levels where World Partition is enabled ( [Link Removed] ), but ActorFoliage will work via ProceduralFoliageVolume. And when you cook the level you will get an ...

Foliage is placed on LevelInstanceActor does not follow basecomponent when the LevelInstanceActor moves

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 24, 2022

Foliage usually follows when the Transform of the placed ground or floor changes. However, if the ground or floor is a Level Instance Actor, it will not follow. The cause is in the code below. voi ...

There is odd Cursor Snapping in Ortho Views when objects are translated or rotated using gizmos

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 17, 2022

Creating spline points requires interaction with the translate gizmo, and as soon as the new point is created when in an orthographic view, the cursor snaps back to the starting gizmo position. Thi ...

Unable to override private Blueprint variables in child classes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 16, 2022

In UE4, "Private" for Blueprint variables was misnamed: its behavior actually meant "Protected". In other words, it can't be read or written to by external objects, but it can be by derived types. A ...

Ensure hit in OutdatedKnownStaticMeshDetected for replicated StaticMeshComponent

UE - Networking - Jun 10, 2022

The component's KnownStaticMesh value is updated whenever UStaticMeshComponent::UpdateBounds is called, and AActor::OnRep_ReplicatedMovement can result in this being called for the component. If thi ...

Queued AnimNotifies skipped on Server via CharacterMovement in Dedicated Server

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 9, 2022

Details in UDN [Link Removed] ...

Type promotion should handle UObject subclass custom operator functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 7, 2022

We should modify FindBestMatchingFunc_Internal for the case of UObject pins to search for a best matching subclass instead of just use the base UObject comparison.  We could also exclude any func ...

Pawn's role is incorrect in BeginPlay on client if a multicast RPC is called in BeginPlay on server

UE - Networking - Jun 6, 2022

It seems as though calling a multicast RPC during BeginPlay on the server will cause the new actor to finish spawning on the client before applying any initial replicated data, such as the actor's R ...

Properly handle child actor component referencing Level Instance actor

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jun 3, 2022