Cloth Asset - Cloth bounces off wildly during the rendering of a sequence in MRQ.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 26, 2024

The motion blur rendering is causing some issues when rendering the cloth asset as the timestep wildly changes without the number of substeps being increased, The movie pipeline code needs to man ...

Moving a mesh with complex-as-simple collision clears overlaps previously detected by moving collision components

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Jun 26, 2024

Consider a static mesh set to use complex-as-simple collision, and a convex collision component, starting to overlap each other. When only the Collision Component moves, its collision with the stat ...

In class UCancellableAsyncAction, methods IsRegistered() and ShouldBroadcastDelegates() still return true after Cancel() or SetReadyToDestroy() unregisters the object.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 26, 2024

Class UBlueprintAsyncActionBase provides methods RegisterWithGameInstance() and SetReadyToDestroy(), which respectively register and unregister the object with the game instance. Derived class UCanc ...

Bug in StringTemplate.cpp related to modulo operator in MaterialTemplate.ush (code fix provided)

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 25, 2024

Shader Template files like MaterialTemplate.ush do not submit previous chunks when encountering a `%` character, unless that `%` character is `%s` or `% {...} `. Because the error is happening ...

can not load all actors when load level with ULevel::LoadAllExternalObjectsTag

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Jun 25, 2024

the udn link: ...

Nanite compute materials don't work with VolumetricLightmap

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Jun 25, 2024

In editor, custom primitive data dont work on instance static meshes in bp instance

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 25, 2024

Changes to custom primitive data properties for instanced meshes placed in the editor work in-game but are not otherwise reflected in-editor. ...

Crash when starting PIE on a World Partition level with a Niagara Component inside nested Child Actor Components

UE - Niagara - Jun 25, 2024

Consider an actor containing a Niagara Particle System Component, which is instantiated from another actor's Child Actor Component. When initializing PIE on a World Partition level containing this s ...

Dynamic (transient) material instance assignment lost if object spawnable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 21, 2024

Material Instance Dynamic assigned to Spawnable objects with Editor Utility Widget get reverted when hit the Save button in Sequencer. This appears to come from the Material Instance Dynamic not be ...

Installed Editor doesn't package the right target if Marketplace plugin are installed before first launch

UE - Platform - Jun 18, 2024

Something is wrong with the TargetInfo.json file generated when they are some Marketplace plugin installed. The client reported this workaround:  Backup the plugins found in Engine\Plugins\Marketp ...