RebuildRenderData is still not safe during cook time

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 21, 2015 UTexture2D::ConditionalPostLoad doesn't wait for the render data to finish caching outside ...

VR Preview causes the editor to freeze on Mac

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 21, 2015

When trying to use the VR preview with the oculus rift for a Mac the editor freezes up and has to be shut down. ...

"Select New Skeleton" window appears behind editor and gives error

OLD - Anim - Apr 21, 2015

When you select an asset that references a skeleton that has moved, the editor asks you to choose a new skeleton. When you choose Yes is it gives the message "The Anim Blueprint could not be loaded ...

Distance Fields no longer work with instances when PIE/Simulate

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2015

When using distance fields with instance meshes from the foliage tool everything works correctly, however, when simulating or PIE the distance fields will be removed. This working correctly in 4.7.5 ...

Replication variable is incorrect in Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

When setting a replicated floating variable, the replication doesn't appear correctly within the replication section of the Details Panel. ...

Cannot create a return node with an execution pin only for a function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

The user can not create a return node for a function that only has an execution pin if they create the function via the my blueprint panel. However, if they create a function by collapsing down a se ...

Static Mesh Component variable defaults cannot be set in the Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

Static Mesh Component variable defaults cannot be set in the Details panel. No options are available in the dropdown, even if the Blueprint already has StaticMesh components assigned. Reproduced in ...

Controller input while not focused.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 17, 2015

This needs investigation to see if it can be done without causing problematic side effects. ...