This is a common crash that has occurred in 4.17.1 and 4.17.2, there are no immediate records of it occurring previously. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash oc ...
This is a somewhat common Landscape crash occurring throughout the 4.17 release. User Descriptions1) rename landscape layer, 2) delete layer in landscape tool Source Context 1307 FReply FL ...
There is an issue occurring where after the map built data is made building lighting on a level causes the level to become dirty. this occurs even if anything in the level has not been changed excep ...
NavLink Proxy CHILD ACTOR stops working in a Packaged and Standalone game. Works as expected in PIE. Licensee Description: Force Rebuild on Load is not called and the nav links as child actors do ...
The Inherited StaticMesh Component in a Child Blueprint of a Parent Blueprint disappears when compiling the Blueprint. Regression: Yes Occurs in: 4.17.2, 4.18(Preview), and 4.19(Main) Does not o ...
Giving the Blueprint Interface Function and the Widget Blueprint Variable the same name, then adding the Blueprint Interface to the Widget Blueprint, causes the editor to immediately crash when comp ...
Attempting to create a local binary build of the Engine for the iOS platform using BuildGraph is currently failing. While trying to build UHT for Mac using a remote build, the build fails because it ...
In Editor Preferences < under Experimental < Clothing Tools is enabledOwen was migrated over and the original clothing asset was deleted and a new one created to test the issueOnly the ties on his coa ...
Lightmass is crashing when using a material that has "Cast Shadow as Masked" set to true in its properties. Found in 4.18 P3 CL#3676890 Unable to reproduce in 4.16.3 CL# 3561208 and 4.17.2 CL#365 ...
REGRESSION: Yes, this does not occur in 4.17 When the user dismisses the right-click menu in the Content Browser, any active toasts will suddenly become hidden behind the editor window. Only when ...