Set variables based on Enumeration do not update when the number of members changes. The drop down menu will update if Refresh all nodes is used or if the user restarts the project. ...
In XML, single or double quotes can be used to surround an attribute value. Furthermore, it is legal to use whichever character isn't chosen within that attribute value without escaping it. Currentl ...
When adding a Breakpoint within the "Blueprint Class Actor" editor using "Event Tick," the mouse cursor becomes constrained within the editor window box immediately after pressing Play. The mouse cu ...
Get User Profile does not appear to be returning the correct values. Player height always returns as 0.0 and IPD always returns as 0.064. Regression: Yes This issue did NOT occur in 4.16 ...
Result: Crash while compiling modules for the projectFatal error: [File:d:\Builds\Release-4.18\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Templates\Casts.cpp] [Line: 10] Cast of nullptr to Package fa ...
Transform track for a spawnable Empty Actor always shows 0, 0, 0 and it can't be edited. I could repro this in 4.17.2 and 4.18 Preview 2. This does not happen in 4.15.3 and 4.16.3. So this could b ...
REGRESSION: Yes, this does not occur in 4.17.2 If the user is using any of the Content Browser menus while there's an active toast, the menu will suddenly be dismissed. It appears to get dismissed ...
With the expandable area widget component, you are unable to use the wrap with or replace with for widget components. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs in ...
Renaming or moving Assets with a captured thumbnail removes the thumbnail when it should preserve the captured thumbnail. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occur ...
The logic in the AssetManager to determine if a scanned Blueprint should be added to the primary asset directory is wrong if that blueprint has an active redirect targeting it. The simplest way to r ...