Volumetric Translucent Shadow has artifacts when using some nodes like noise when clamped between 0,1. This happens with other nodes as well. When using a basic alpha mask or constant value there ...
While playing in editor, executing the Console Command: "r.setRes 1920x1080wf" produces the exact same results as "r.setRes 1920x1080f" which is to create a fullscreen window with a border across th ...
Skeletal mesh bones cannot be selected in the viewport of the IK Retargeter. They can still be selected via the bone name hierarchy. Reproduces in the following://UE5/Release-5.1 CL 2390901//UE5/Re ...
While testing in KiteDemo - //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3420042 in Binary – I found that pressing the bookmark attraction Scene keys (1 - 0) does not work as intended if user is in Run mode. ...
If the delay to begin printing the log to the window is too long, some of the logging can be thrown out. This issue does not occur with Android Device Output log UPDATE1: The last time I reproduce ...
When selecting actors in the scene they get filled with an orange color rather than the typical orange outline. This is unrelated to the setting "Selection Highlight Intensity" as the bug will sti ...
When applying a second material to a Destructible Mesh it does not texture the chunks of the fractured mesh. The chunks remain the same as base color of the Destructible Mesh. This is issue was re ...
A texture can be toggled between virtual texture and regular texture using the Convert to virtual texture/regular texture tool in the texture asset context menu. This updates referencing materials t ...
This issue has been reported by two different users with very similar circumstances: Both report the editor freezing when trying to compile UE4.10 C++ Projects running Mac OSX 10.11.1 if no audio i ...
If a code project is created in an Engine built from source code, and then it is switched to use a binary Engine installed by the Launcher, building the project in Visual Studio will result in numer ...