In a mesh asset, setting Navigation>IsDynamicObstacle=true will make the Navigation / Cylinder Collision projection appear in a wrong position. As described in the case, the fix should reside in Na ...
The navigation system has errors in the log for agents still being mapped to navigation data in CleanUp. This appears to stem from agent step height being recalculated in ARecastNavMesh::SetConfig i ...
When using static or dynamic modifiers only navmesh, there are times that the navmesh will build and display correctly in editor, but it does not get properly loaded at runtime (PIE/SIE). The Recast ...
User is reporting a bug where there are cases that a polygon in a navmesh tile will not generate an edge. This seems to be where only part of the polygon side would be part of the edge, but the rest ...
The Build All Levels editor action cleans up the world's NavDataSet (UNavigationSystemV1::NavDataSet) as pre-rebuild world cleanup by calling: SetNavigationSystem(nullptr); inside UWorld::Cleanu ...
When creating a PackedLevelActor by packing multiple StaticMesh, the navmesh isn't generated correctly on top of it. In detail, navmesh is generated by splitting on navtiles. This is probably due to ...
When placing static mesh foliage and setting the foliage mesh's Collision Preset to Block All, the placed meshes do not consistently block parts of the nav mesh. Expected: Placed meshes (for examp ...
Navmesh does not generate correctly around HISM instances when one instance has its transform updated. The most noticeable change is that adjusting the scale of an instance's transform will cause th ...
The build settings for ZoneGraph do not get refreshed after the editor loads. Changing the snap distance or the snap angle will not be reflected in the ZoneGraph until you reload the editor. You can ...
HISM is generated by ConstructionScript Actor is placed on the level and navmesh is generated on top of HISM. In UE5.2, the navmesh was generated without splitting on the HISM. In UE5.3, a break occ ...