Jitter on anim sequences compressed with ACL containing large scale on root

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 18, 2024

The ACL codecs are generating jitter in the animations on the linked UDN.  This may be related to the large scale that's being applied to the root bone in the skeleton.  This appears to be a regress ...

USkeletalMeshComponent::SkeletalMeshAsset modified value is lost when changing via level details panel

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 27, 2024

USkeletalMeshComponent::SkeletalMeshAsset is transient so it seems that any modified value that is set via the level details panel on an existing actor is lost.  We deal with this same problem for o ...

TAttributeContainer::CopyFrom crashes when container contains invalid bone indices for active mesh

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 16, 2024

Currently there's no validation within the animation attribute container that bone ids are valid.  This means that client/game code can add attributes with invalid bone ids into the container and th ...

Dependent values of CVars for animation budget allocator are not correctly updated when setting from ini

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 14, 2024

It seems that the FConsoleVariableDelegate used with CVars in AnimationBudgetAllocatorCVars.cpp does not get called when values get set initially from ini (e.g. DefaultEngine.ini) so dependent value ...

Setting a poseable mesh component as leader component for a skeletal mesh component causes an access violation.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 11, 2024

When a skeletal mesh component's leader component is set to a poseable mesh component, the application will run into an access violation when it tries to update animation curves and morph targets. ...

Option "Update Animation in Editor" is reset for child skeletal meshes

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 24, 2024

When the boolean is set on a child skeletal mesh, looks like it gets reset   Specifically , at UActorComponent::ConsolidatedPostEditChange forces a reconstruction of the Blueprint, making the trans ...

Blend Stack node doesn't have a valid FDeltaTimeRecord

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 19, 2024

The blend stack node doesn't generate any values for its DeltaTimeRecord.  This can be tested with the fix for [Link Removed] shelved at 32747789.  Since there isn't a tick record directly associate ...

BlendSpace DeltaTimeRecord.Delta can incorrectly be set to zero

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 19, 2024

It's possible for blendspaces to end up with an invalid delta time record because of how UBlendSpace::TickAssetPlayer modifies the time record.  This only seems to happen with specific settings:Axis ...

Reimport FBX does not correctly update frame-rate

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 2, 2024

This is an issue with the sequencer model, it does not clear its bPopulated flag so doesn't allow for changing the frame-rate to a non-compatible (multiple/factor off FPS). ...

When the Initial Position of an Animation Asset is entered outside the expected range, the animation gets stucked and does not refresh.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 18, 2024

The animation gets "corrupted" when the Initial Position value has an invaildad value. In this case, this means that the Initial Position value is outside the range of the duration of the Animation. ...