In the Android Vulkan Mobile preview mode, when multiple GPU niagara systems are visible and the user moves the camera around the level it can cause a crash, potentially caused by a race condition o ...
Currently, Niagara Components are only expected to have their TickComponent() method called when their system is marked as "Solo", which makes them be simulated individually. In the most common scen ...
Niagara particle sprites with a Translucent Material are glowing in a completely dark area. This issue is also observed with the deprecated Cascade particles. Particle brightness is also dependent ...
When an Niagara Parameter Collection (NPC) is selected as the parent Collection for an NPC Instance (NPCI), all of its current parameters are carried over to the NPCI with their current values as th ...
When an NPC asset is duplicated, the ne wasset gets incorrectly duplicated parameters: one set with the correct names, and one set with the original namespace prefix embedded into the names. These i ...
When an MPC is selected as the Source Material Collection for an NPC, all of its current parameters are carried over to the NPC with their current values. After that, if parameters are added to, rem ...
Summary: Cached 3DGas Niagara system appears blocky in packaged game. Brought up by a licensee via UDN: ...
Niagara Emitters, when disabled, appear to be removed from the Niagara System's packaged asset as evidenced by a sizeable reduction in size. However, if the Emitter referenced an asset, such as a st ...
While Niagara Fluids Plugin is active it creates a memory reference of any saved level regardless of being actually used. Simply enabling the plugin shows a memory reference while deleting the level ...
Crashes when playing Niagara particles with the following conditions enabled. It crashes only when stompmalloc is enabled, not when disabled. Enable Ray tracingEnable Compress Attributes in System P ...