check(!bPostTickComponentUpdate) fails triggered by UNiagaraComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent() and StaticMeshCompilingManager::FinishCompilation()

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Jul 23, 2024

Reported alongside [Link Removed] Context: Some ActorComponents can schedule end-of-frame work which UWorld executes later in the frame in UWorld::SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates(). By-design it appears t ...

Client Ensure FShaderMapResource_SharedCode::ReleaseRHI is still referenced on exit/shutdown

UE - Niagara - Rendering - May 7, 2024

Very rarely, the game client will crash on shutdown and the log will contain messages that look like: LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: false [File:Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\ ...

YCoCg to sRGB?

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Mar 20, 2024

Both the material and the Niagara compute shader use the same function to interpret the YCoCg color data, but the Niagara compute shader returns an incorrect color. Also found on CL: 32347737 in Re ...

Sparse volume textures displayed in Heterogeneous volume only visible in left eye

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Mar 14, 2024

Sparse volume textures displayed in Heterogeneous volumes are only visible in the left eye, as well as Niagara Fluid Sims. UDN for reference: [Link Removed] ...