crash at checkUERenderCommandPipeIsReplaying in RenderScenecpp

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jul 15, 2024

Drawing a material to a render target when that material samples an RVT can cause an editor crash. In our testing, the check() did not always occur on the first PIE session, but would always occur ...

Flickering shadows/GI when DrawMaterialToRenderTarget is called per tick in PIE

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jul 11, 2024

When DrawMaterialToRenderTarget function is called on tick and actors are spawned in game, the lumen shadow/GI visually flickers. Debugging shows that the lumen screen probes are flickering as well. ...

Distant mesh / vista have visible Lumen bounces

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 15, 2024

Objects far outside of the Lumen Scene don't temporally accumulate screen traces, leading to heavy flickering. It appears that the temporal reprojection is failing when comparing the depth in "Scree ...

Displacement + TAA causes "vibrating"/"buzzing" artifacts

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 4, 2024

There is a buzzing artifact on shadows that is seen in the provided test project. The problem seems to be far more subtle when VSM is turned off. Licensee mentions that turning r.Velocity.ForceOutpu ...

Strange results with HeightToNormalSmooth on Nanite meshes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jun 3, 2024

This appears to also occur on meshes that aren't set to Enable Nanite at all.  [Image Removed] ...

RayTracingGeometry.UpdateRHI(); crashes at checkf BuildParams.IsEmpty()

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 22, 2024

When custom RayTracingGeometry is created, a crash is triggered by an assert at: Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Rendering\RayTracingGeometryManager.cpp line 252  "Unexpected entries in BuildP ...

FDeferredDecalProxy cannot be initialized to not fade even if FadeDuration is set to 0

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 16, 2024

FDeferredDecalProxy always fade because InitializeFadingParameters is always called and leaves InvFadeDuration at 1.0 and the LifetimeAlpha calculation in FDeferredDecalPS::SetParameters gets a very ...

Depth of field and Refraction issue

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 15, 2024

Refraction does not adjust the scene depth texture, leading to a mismatch between Scene Color samples and Scene Depth samples. ...

Virtual Texture materials don't fully deduplicate generated virtual texture stacks

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 13, 2024

During material compilation we track unique individual virtual texture "stacks" and then create a virtual texture page table for each, along with unique bindings for each page table in the shader co ...