The licensee has noticed that the deletion of a transient actor still marks the scene as dirty and asks it to be saved. Checking the source it was noted that the transient flag is not verified on de ...
When using External Data Layers in conjunction with Game Feature Plugins and World Partition levels, removing a Game Feature Action or changing its type to "None" does not remove the associated Exte ...
Every time AWorldDataLayers::CreateDataLayer is called, UDataLayerManager::ResolveActorDescContainersDataLayers() gets called and iterates on all actordescs of the world.When creating multiple data l ...
When editing a Packed Level Actor (PLA) that is inside another PLA, z-fighting or mesh disappearance will occur. More specifically, it is seen when duplicating a mesh inside the PLA, upon saving the P ...
The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...
Focus mode in the Editor does not handle Actors without PrimitiveComponent correctly, treating them as if they were at the origin (0,0,0), skewing the camera placement. Some Actors like the WorldDat ...
When a component is removed from a class that exists as an instance with external actors enabled, a deleted BP component on an actor will remain referenced by the instance. Disabling External Actor ...
Actors that are removed from the world have UnregisterAllComponents called twice. Removal can be caused by unloading a data layer that owns the actor. In cases like exiting the application or destr ...
Actor foliage does not respect the "foliage.CullDistanceScale" console variable. This was brought up in a UDN: [Link Removed] ...
When opening a Level from the Content Browser, the world gets initialized twice. This initialization process can be quite long, especially for big world using world partition. There doesn't seem to ...