New Visibility Track creates an offset Visible(0) track in Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 14, 2017

The new Level Visibility track creates a Visible track that appears that it is created in the middle of the sequencer tracks. You are able to move the Visible track up flush with the timeline by cl ...

Importing skeletal mesh with LODs and no animations generates additional skeleton and physics assets

Tools - Jan 13, 2017

Does not occur in 4.14.3 binary or 4.16 perforce. Occurs in both P4 and Binary builds of 4.15. Only occurs with Import Mesh LODs enabled and Import Animations disabled. ...

Unexpected behavior with Broken Constraint and Physics Blend Weight

OLD - Anim - Jan 13, 2017

Looks like the position of the bone according to the animation is still being accounted for somehow, because the collision seems fine (when using pxvis collision). ...

Colon in UPROPERTY category invalidates iterative build

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Jan 13, 2017

The presence of a colon ':' character in the category string of a UPROPERTY will cause iterative cooking to generate the following error:Found unparsable ini setting Windows.EditorPerProjectUserSett ...

Cine camera should not be locked to just using circleDOF

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 13, 2017 ...

Unable to load XMPP module warning upon opening the editor

UE - Foundation - Build - GitHub - Jan 13, 2017

The following unable to load module XMPP warning appears in the output log when opening UE4Editor LogModuleManager:Warning: No filename provided for module XMPP LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleMan ...

Button Release fires off when a break point is hit even if the button is still held down

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 13, 2017

Button Release fires off when a break point is hit even if the button is still held down. ...

"Clothing" options do not appear after importing an apx made with the 3.4 plugin

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 13, 2017

"Clothing" options do not appear after importing an apx made with the 3.4 plugin Regression: Sort of. 4.14 now uses the 3.4 version of PhysX and this only appears to happen with apx files exporte ...

Reimporting a static mesh causes a significant change of view in the Static Mesh Editor Viewport from the original view.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 13, 2017

Reimporting a static mesh causes a significant change of view in the Static Mesh Editor Viewport from the original view. (See attached images) Regression: No ...

Machine ID is not being shown on the crashreporter website

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jan 13, 2017

This is a regression from 4.14.3 ...